Monday, February 9, 2009

Many moons have passed....

It has been quite some time since Clifford Jacobs or I have taken time to keep you informed of Library Society happenings. We hope that you had a chance to come to Danny Crooks' lecture on January 15 (the crowd was large and enthusiastic). Let's face it, if you can't draw a crowd in Charleston with a lecture and book signing dealing with Robert E. Lee, then you are just not trying.

I also hope that you had a chance to attend the Library Society's 260th Annual Meeting. For the first time in its long history, the Library Society has witnessed trustees rotating off the board as a result of term limits. The new trustees are excited to be part of the team, and we are excited to have them on board.

The Library Society received much appreciated publicity from the the front page Post and Courier article about the George Washington/Charles Cotesworth Pinckney correspondence. We also received an addition to the collections. After reading the article, two generous members donated to the Library Society Pinckney's appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary to France. They also donated a letter from Washington welcoming Pinckney home from France and offering to host him and his family at Mount Vernon as they returned to Charleston.

We have big plans for late Winter and early Spring. Ken Burger will be here on February 19 to discuss his debut novel Swallow Savannah. Many of you know him as the Post and Courier's new columnist and a former sports reporter.

We will blog more often in the future. After all, what would Shh! be without news?

Read a book!

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