Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two and One-Third Centuries of being cooler than "North Carolina Day"...

We should all feel privileged to have not one, but two days to celebrate Carolina Day this year: Sunday, the 28th is the 233rd anniversary of the Battle, but Saturday the 27th is the date of the parade. While we're sure y'all will be spending Sunday with your family, opening presents under the palmetto tree, we hope you will join us in the parade on Saturday. The Library Society is meeting at Washington Park at 11:00 AM, and the marching starts at noon. All members and friends of the Society are encouraged to join us- we will be near the front, under our new green flag!

Don't forget- only six days left to RSVP for the Lowcountry Launch Event for Dorothea Benton Frank's Return to Sullivans Island. The party will be on the evening of the 2nd, and is shaping up to be a lot of fun!

Monday, June 15, 2009

"Maybe the cabin is the place inside each of us, created by our goodwill and teamwork... Nah, they said there'd be sandwiches."

"Oh, yes, sitting... the great leveler. From the mightiest pharaoh, to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"

-Charles Montgomery Burns

As many of you already know, of the best sits in town is to be had in the Main Reading Room here at the Library Society. Whether at the research tables, digging into a hundred-year old manuscript or a brand-new magazine; or sunk deep in the club chairs taking in a new novel or some non-fiction, the peace and quiet in here is pretty hard to beat (though the streetscaping crews outside occasionally try).

If you know first-hand how relaxing a spell in the CLS can be, though, then you're likely also aware that our chairs have seen better days. If you had been around through two World Wars, Prohibition, eight-and-a-half decades of the Red Sox losing, the Atomic Age, the Jet Age, Nixonomics, Billy Beer, seven decades of the Soviet Union, telegraphs, telegrams, telephones, the internet, the mobile phone, mobile internet, and the collective posteriors of maybe a quarter-million "sits"... you might be a little worse for wear too. (Come to think of it, a signifigant number of our members have lived through two World Wars, Prohibition, eight-and-a-half decades of the Red Sox losing, the Atomic Age, the Jet Age, Nixonomics, Billy Beer, almost-seven decades of the Soviet Union, telegraphs, telegrams, telephones, the internet, the mobile phone, and mobile internet. As for being sat on 250,000 times, I'd rather not know.)

The Society is, therefore, looking* to replace our tired, squeaking, mismatched seating with twenty four new wooden library chairs and four new club chairs. Library chairs can be purchased for a donation of $150, club chairs for $300. A brass plaque of dedication is included if desired. For more information, or to pay by credit card, call 843-723-9912.

ALSO COMING SOON: June 27th is the Carolina Day Parade, come march with us (under our new flag)! Washington Park, 11:00 AM: we're near the front. July 2nd is the Lowcountry Launch Party for Dorothea Benton Frank's new novel, Return to Sullivans Island. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be served, and a complimentary signed copy of the book comes with every ticket ($75). There will be sandwiches. Also, spread the word: our first Summer Book Sale, mid-July!

*ha, I audaciously split an infinitive! Take that, 5th grade English class!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ah, King Street and the Never Ending "Beautification" Project

They will be finished by August. At least, that's their story, and they are sticking with it. In the meantime, the city's contractors will subject lower King Street to jack hammering and other loud noises, dust, and the indiscriminate blocking of our driveway. Our apologies to members, but you are witnessing your tax dollars at work. When the project is completed, you will be buoyantly carried along beautiful bluestone sidewalks, until you find yourself deposited at our august organization. What a wonderful world it will be!

Much has happened since our last blog (yes, we are pretty slack). The Southern Literary Festival was a big success. Our thanks go to all of the authors who took time out of their busy schedules to entertain and inform. Next year will be even better, so be sure to mark your calendars for June 3-5, when we will feature more of the region's best writers.

Next on the agenda is Carolina Day. Few events are more emblematic of Charleston's affinity for the past. This year Carolina Day will be celebrated on Saturday, June 27 (it is never celebrated in Charleston on Sunday). We urge you to join the Library Society contingent at Washington Park at 10:30. We will line up at the Broad Street gate near to the front of the procession. The uniform of the day is seersucker for men and cool clothing for women. We have a newly modified banner this year (dark green and gold). The procession will start at 11:00. We hope that you will choose to march with us (at the expense of all of your other organizational affiliations). Of course, we will understand if you march with an organization founded prior to 1748.

Finally, you can not miss our next author event (unless of course, you wish to be mocked by your fellow literary buffs). On Thursday, July 2, we will host a book launching party for Dorothea Benton Frank to celebrate her new title, Return to Sullivans Island. This book is the sequel to Sullivans Island, her breakout novel and New York Times bestseller. At the party Mrs. Frank will discuss the book, answer questions, and sign copies for guests. Tickets are available by calling the Library Society at 843-723-9912. Ticket costs include a copy of the book. The food will be great, and the event will be spectacular. We hope to see you here.

Read a book!